A form of attachement beyond categories like home or nation but to people, feelings, or sounds across the globe.

  • Playlist by DJ Borş aka Madalina
    In this video list, Moldova-based DJ Borș reflects on the identitarian limbo and relativity of her post-imperialist reality, asking: How are we using music to create multiple directions for our diverse existences?
  • Video Essay by Kimberley Rodrigues
    In this video essay, Kimberley Rodrigues reflects on feelings of belonging and identity through the acoustic memories, distinct tastes, sight, and smells of C.R. Park, a unique neighborhood in Delhi, India, a place that she calls home.
  • Sound Piece by Ruhail Qaisar
    Ruhail Qaisar’s experimental composition from New Delhi, India evokes the chaotic magnitude of a city that is forever in the throes of construction, demolition, and frenetic movement, engulfing one in a sensorium of overstimulation.
  • Mix by Adesh Rayapa aka DJ Karma
    This compact nonstop compilation by DJ Karma showcases rap and R&B music by artists primarily from Nepal, Tibet, Nagaland, Sikkim, and other regions of the Northeast of India, currently residing in the city of Delhi.