A generative practice that promotes different knowledge. One that listens is never at a distance but always in the middle of the sound heard.

  • Short Essay by Fran Pope
    Music that hits you so strong that you stop what you were doing, transporting you to an otherworld. In this essay, our writer ponders this alternative space she finds when listening to specific tracks.
  • Introduction by Philipp Rhensius, Katía Truijen
    When talking about listening in the broadest sense, listeners are usually at the center of attention. In this dialogic essay, Rewire Festival’s context curator Katía Truijen and Norient’s editor Philipp Rhensius what happens when the sound listens back.
  • Short Essay by Antye Greie-Ripatti
    In her work as educator, the artist Antye Greie-Ripatti aka AGF aims to integrate «listening as an art practice» into school curriculums. In this essay, she reflects on teaching children the skill of listening to build environmental sensibility.
  • Short Essay by Majd Shidiac
    Voices in crowded urban terrains, the sonic shock of fighter jets. Some music can evoke ideas of the life it is made in – and create relationships. Read an essay by Majd Shidiac.