meLê yamomo

meLê yamomo lived in Manila, Seoul, Bangkok, Warwick, and Munich and now makes his home in Amsterdam and Berlin researching, teaching, and creating performance/theater and sound/music. He is an assistant professor of theater, performance, and sound studies (University of Amsterdam), the author of Sounding Modernities: Theatre and Music in Manila and the Asia Pacific, 1869–1946 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), and the project leader and principal investigator of the projects Sonic Entanglements and Decolonizing Southeast Asian Sound Archives (DeCoSEAS). meLê is a resident artist at Theater Ballhaus Naunynstraße, where his creations Echoing Europe, sonus, and Forces of Overtones are on repertoire. meLê also curates the Decolonial Frequencies Festival and hosts the Sonic Entanglements podcast. In his work as an artist-scholar, meLê engages with the topics of sonic migrations, queer aesthetics, and post/de-colonial acoustemologies.

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