Does the global appropriation of kuduro exploit or reshape the identity of Angolans? How are «local» music genres like guayla sustained outside of Eritrea?

  • Playlist by DJ Borş aka Madalina
    In this video list, Moldova-based DJ Borș reflects on the identitarian limbo and relativity of her post-imperialist reality, asking: How are we using music to create multiple directions for our diverse existences?
  • Round Up by Erum Naqvi
    A round-up of the cosmopolitan classical musical culture in Iran. Starting with music scholars of the Qajar era (1796–1925) and ending with the global music scene of the 21st century, from both the diaspora and from home.
  • Podcast by Lara Sarkissian
    TIMEZONES Episode 4. How some of the most forward-thinking contemporary musicians and visual artists from the Bay Area have been shaped by the region’s social, cultural, and political landscape.
  • Poem by Ali Kamrani
    In dem Gedicht für sein gleichnamiges Lied beschreibt der iranische Schauspieler und Dichter Ali Kamrani seine Erfahrungen als Einwanderer in Deutschland.