Norient City Sounds: Beirut (Release)

Release Norient City Sounds: Beirut

Beirut (LB), Bern (CH)

To mark the launch of Norient City Sounds: Beirut, we will be hosting two events in Beirut and Bern with live performances and a DJ set by some of the contributors in the edition. The featured musicians will take inspiration from the material they have produced for the Online Special and create new works.

Program Beirut

7pm EET

Jad Atoui
Rabea Hajaig
Ziad Moukarzel
Jana Saleh

free entry

Program Bern

7.30pm CET

(Petra Hawi, voc, Hany Manja, synths/oud)

free entry, collection

Stop by if you’re in Beirut or Bern on August 26! For everyone else: both release events will be partially streamed on Norient’s live ticker on Instagram.

The Special «Norient City Sounds: Beirut» is curated by Rayya Badran and funded by SüdKulturFonds, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, and the Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation.
